Case Study: $34,000+ revenue in 30 days with Klaviyo email marketing


Mapplinks helped an ecommerce client generate over $34,000+ in revenue within 30 days with Klaviyo email marketing.

In this case study, we will break down all the steps we followed and how we achieved this.


The client is one of our ecommerce retention marketing clients who came to use for Klaviyo email marketing services.

We were about to drive $34,000+ revenue from Klaviyo which accounted for 23% of their total revenue.

In the month of December, 12% of their revenue came from Klaviyo.

We were able to push this up to 23% within a month of execution.

Key Metrics Achieved

  • % Revenue from Klaviyo: 23% (vs 12% in December)
  • Total revenue from Klaviyo email marketing: $34,000+
  • Revenue from email flows: $21,000+
  • Revenue from email campaigns: $12,000+

Continue reading to learn how we achieved these results.

Results from Klaviyo

Here’s a screen-grab of the results achieved in the month of Jan:

klaviyo email marketing
Klaviyo results by Mapplinks

Our Klaviyo Email Marketing Process

We have strategies for both email automations (flows) as well as the newsletters (campaigns). Here’s the step-by-step process we followed:

Step 1: Do an audit of the client’s current Klaviyo account

Step 2: Identify areas of improvement in both flows and campaigns. In this case, we found that we could add additional split tests on the flows to improve results.

We also found 5 new email flows that we can add that were previously not created.

Step 3: We revised the campaigns calendar to target sending 2-3 campaigns per week and created the entire month’s content calendar in advance.

We also focused on split testing subject lines to achieve the best open rates for our emails:

Open rates for email campaigns

Step 4: We studied the existing segments of their audience on Klaviyo and found gaps in the way the segments were defined.

We also created a new Hyper-engaged segment to target for a few of our campaigns in Jan.

Step 5: We implemented the email marketing strategy using our Clickup marketing template that is proven to work with other e-commerce clients we work with.

Step 6: We got to work!

It’s all about the execution – getting the right designs, messaging, segmentation, and split testing to drive the results.

If you’re an ecommerce business, you might be eligible for a free Klaviyo audit by our team of email marketing experts. We are a Klaviyo partner, Shopify partner, and a certified email marketing agency.

If you’re doing more than $50,000 per month in e-commerce revenue, we can help you 2x-3x those numbers with our services.

Connect with us at to learn more.

ALSO SEE: $500,000+ In Revenue With 11x ROI With Ecommerce SMS Marketing (Using Emotive)

Our Top 10 Klaviyo Email Marketing Tips

If you’re new to Klaviyo email marketing and not ready to hire our agency services, you can follow the tips below to improve your results:

  1. Create effective email flows: Start with a welcome email, followed by a series of emails that address customer pain points and interests.
  2. Leverage segmentation and personalization: Segment your customers based on their preferences and send them personalized content to boost the open rate and increase relevance.
  3. Implement A/B testing: A/B testing can help you determine which subject lines, content block lengths, images or CTAs yield better results for your campaigns.
  4. Integrate dynamic automation triggers: Take advantage of various real-time events like abandon cart emails or website activity retargeting emails to establish 1-to-1 relationships with customers and encourage them to buy more products from your store.
  5. Optimize your timing and frequency strategy: Be mindful of the timing of each email you send to ensure maximum visibility in the inbox and consider sending relevant content at regular intervals.
  6. Use mobile optimization for all campaigns: Make sure all your emails look great on both desktop and mobile devices so that all audiences can have seamless experiences when engaging with your content. At Mapplinks, we follow a mobile-first approach when it comes to email marketing. You can first research your target audience and what devices they use.
  7. Utilize powerful visuals: Compelling visuals can bring life to an email campaign – include aesthetically pleasing imagery in combination with attractive copywriting to drive conversions further up. An effective design will help improve your CTRs.
  8. Keep track of analytics data: Track vital metrics like open rates, click-through rates (CTRs), revenue generated, but also track unsubscribes, so that you know what works best for your audience at any given moment in time and what is causing you to lose subscribers on your Klaviyo list.
  9. Perform regular list cleanups: Cleaning up inactive subscribers help maintain a healthy list while ensuring that only those who are actually engaged get the emails they want from you – this way you won’t be wasting precious resources on uninterested contacts who will never convert anyway!
  10. Monitor user feedbacks & reviews: Monitor user feedbacks & reviews regularly so you have a better understanding of precisely what customers expect from you – adjust accordingly!

At Mapplinks, we use the feedback from other channels such as Facebook and Instagram and use that as an input for our email marketing team to improve the campaigns.

The above 10 tips will help you improve the results from your Klaviyo email marketing efforts.

You can also follow our YouTube channel for video tips on ecommerce.