$1M+ Revenue Generated In 90 Days with Email Marketing: Klaviyo Case Study


With our email marketing services, we generated $1M+ in 90 days on a client’s Klaviyo account. In this Klaviyo case study, we will share some key takeaways from this e-commerce client account.

klaviyo case study

The Challenge

The business was running basic email campaigns and flows before they approached Mapplinks to handle their Klaviyo. The client needed a strategic approach to maximize holiday season sales and unlock untapped revenue potential.

Enter Mapplinks, a team of Klaviyo experts with a proven methodology to drive explosive growth.

Our Klaviyo Magic

Here’s how Mapplinks transformed the ecom store’s marketing strategy with Klaviyo, resulting in a staggering $1M+ revenue surge in just 90 days:

Riding the Holiday Wave:

Mapplinks strategically planned and executed holiday campaigns to capitalize on peak buying seasons. By tapping into pre-sales, extended sales, and early access promotions, Mapplinks aimed to ride on the heightened consumer psychology during holidays.

The campaign calendar was meticulously crafted to align with key holiday periods such as Black Friday, Christmas, and the end of the year. This approach increased conversion rates as consumers were primed for purchase during these festive periods.

  • Strategic Campaign Calendar: Leveraging key buying periods like pre-sales, extended sales, and VIP early access, Mapplinks’ Klaviyo experts crafted a campaign calendar that capitalized on peak shopping seasons.
  • Psychology in Action: Understanding the heightened purchase intent during holidays, they designed campaigns that resonated with user psychology, leading to higher conversion rates.

The Power of Multi-Channel Communication:

Recognizing the limitations of relying solely on email marketing, Mapplinks identified SMS as an untapped channel for engagement and revenue generation. By integrating SMS into the client’s marketing strategy, Mapplinks aimed to create additional touchpoints with customers, leveraging zero-party data for personalized communication.

The implementation of a dual opt-in process with a discount upgrade incentivized customers to subscribe to SMS notifications. Key automation sequences were established to deliver timely and relevant messages, complementing email campaigns.

By synchronizing major campaigns across email and SMS channels, Mapplinks maximized reach and engagement, resulting in a new stream of revenue for the e-commerce store.

  • Beyond Email: The store previously relied solely on email, leaving valuable opportunities on the table. Mapplinks’ team introduced SMS marketing, creating multiple touchpoints and gathering rich zero-party data.
  • Building Trust & Revenue: A dual opt-in strategy with a discount incentive encouraged SMS signups, while key automations and omnichannel campaigns (email & SMS) maximized reach and impact.

Segmentation Supercharge:

Mapplinks conducted segmentation experiments to target specific audience segments with tailored marketing messages. Leveraging Klaviyo’s segmentation capabilities, Mapplinks identified the most engaged, frequent, and holiday buyers segments within the client’s customer base.

By employing a comprehensive seven-segment strategy, Mapplinks ensured that all relevant segments were covered, allowing for personalized communication and improved campaign effectiveness.

This targeted approach enabled Mapplinks to optimize marketing efforts and drive higher conversion rates among different audience segments.

  • Unveiling Hidden Gems: Klaviyo’s segmentation power was unleashed. Mapplinks’ experts identified the most engaged, frequent buyers, and even holiday-specific segments, tailoring campaigns for laser-focused effectiveness.
  • The 7-Segment Advantage: Their unique 7-segment strategy ensured comprehensive coverage of all customer segments, guaranteeing no sales opportunity was missed.

Flow Testing- The Continuous Optimization Loop:

Flow testing emerged as a critical component of Mapplinks’ strategy, aimed at optimizing customer journeys and maximizing conversion opportunities. Emphasizing a culture of experimentation, Mapplinks implemented A/B testing at each step of automated flows within Klaviyo.

This iterative approach allowed Mapplinks to identify and refine high-performing flows, uncovering hidden opportunities for revenue growth.

  • Experimentation Culture: A data-driven approach fueled constant A/B testing within each flow’s step. This relentless pursuit of improvement maximized the effectiveness of every communication.
  • Unicorn Flows Await: The team embraced the belief that “one experiment could unlock a unicorn flow,” driving a culture of continuous improvement and pushing the boundaries of campaign performance.

Klaviyo Case Study Results:

Through a strategic blend of holiday campaigns, SMS integration, segmentation experiments, and flow testing, Mapplinks successfully propelled the e-commerce store to surpass $1M in revenue within 90 days.

By leveraging Klaviyo’s advanced features and adopting a data-driven approach, Mapplinks optimized marketing efforts, increased customer engagement, and drove significant business growth for the client.

  • Revenue Explosion: The combined power of these strategies translated into a phenomenal outcome: $1M+ in revenue within just 90 days.
  • Beyond ROI: This wasn’t just about numbers. The client gained invaluable insights into their customer base, allowing for future personalization and even stronger relationships.

This case study underscores the importance of strategic marketing execution and continuous experimentation in achieving remarkable results in the competitive e-commerce landscape.

Key Learnings:

  • Holiday Synergy: Leverage peak shopping seasons with strategic campaigns that tap into user psychology.
  • Omnichannel is King: Combine email and SMS for broader reach, deeper engagement, and richer data collection.
  • Segmentation Savvy: Uncover hidden customer segments and tailor campaigns for laser-focused results.
  • Testing is the Engine: Embrace A/B testing within flows to continuously optimize and unlock peak performance.

Ready to Replicate This Success?

If you’re an ecom store owner, this case study serves as a roadmap to unlocking explosive growth with Klaviyo.

Implement these strategies, embrace experimentation, and partner with a team of Klaviyo experts like Mapplinks to turn your holiday season into a sales bonanza.

Book a free consulting call with us here.

Marketers, Take Note:

These insights go beyond a single success story and offer valuable lessons for any marketer seeking to improve email marketing effectiveness.

Implement segmentation, embrace multi-channel communication, and prioritize testing to drive impactful campaigns that resonate with your audience.

By following the blueprint in this Klaviyo case study, you can unlock Klaviyo’s power and propel your e-commerce store toward new heights of success.

Here’s another similar Klaviyo case study by the Mapplinks team to read further.