Welcome Email Series Examples and Tips for Ecommerce


Welcome emails are an essential part of any ecommerce marketing strategy. These initial communications set the tone for the relationship between the brand and the customer and can have a significant impact on engagement, conversions, and customer loyalty.

At Mapplinks, our team of ecommerce marketing experts understands the importance of creating effective welcome email series that engage customers and drive revenue.

In this blog, we’ll explore the best practices for creating welcome email series, provide examples for inspiration, and offer tips to optimize your strategy.

Whether you’re a new ecommerce brand just getting started with email marketing, or an established business looking to improve your welcome email series, this blog is for you.

Let’s dive in!

Why Use Welcome Emails and Welcome Email Series

Welcome emails have several benefits for ecommerce brands, making them an essential part of any email marketing strategy. Here are some of the key benefits:

πŸ‘‹πŸΌ First impressions matter – welcome emails set the tone for your brand and establish a connection with your customers.

πŸ’° Welcome emails have higher open rates and click-through rates compared to other promotional emails, which means they can drive more revenue for your business.

🀝 They provide an opportunity to introduce your brand, highlight your unique selling proposition, and explain the benefits of being a part of your community.

πŸ“ˆ By including a clear call to action in your welcome email, you can encourage customers to make their first purchase and start building a relationship with your brand.

πŸ”’ Additionally, welcome emails can help build trust and establish credibility by providing customers with important information such as shipping and return policies, customer service contact details, and privacy policies.

Stats about Welcome Emails

Here are some statistics that back up the importance of welcome emails:

welcome email series
welcome email series for revenue
  • Welcome emails have an average open rate of 50%, which is higher than the average open rate of promotional emails (Source: Invesp)
  • Customers who receive a welcome email show 33% more long-term engagement with a brand (Source: Wordstream)
  • Welcome emails generate 320% more revenue per email than promotional emails (Source: Wordstream)

What to Include in Your Welcome Email Series

Your welcome email series should be designed to engage and inform your new customers. Here are some essential components to consider including:

πŸ“§ Subject lines that grab attention: Your subject line is the first thing your customers will see in their inbox, so make it count. Consider using personalization or teasing the content of your email to entice them to open it.

πŸ‘‹ A warm welcome: Use the first email in your series to thank your customers for joining your community and introduce your brand. This is your chance to make a great first impression and set the tone for your relationship.

πŸ“¦ A special offer: Consider including a discount code or special offer in your welcome email series to encourage your customers to make their first purchase. This is a great way to drive revenue and build loyalty.

welcome series example with welcome email design
Welcome email we designed for one of our clients

πŸ’‘ Educational content: Use your welcome email series to educate your customers about your products or services, highlight your unique selling proposition, and share your brand story. This is an opportunity to provide value and build trust.

πŸ”— Clear CTAs: Each email in your welcome series should include a clear call to action that encourages your customers to take the next step. Whether it’s making a purchase, following you on social media, or signing up for your newsletter, make it easy for them to engage with your brand.

Remember, your welcome email series should be personalized, engaging, and informative. By including these essential components, you can create a series that builds relationships and drives revenue.

Best Practices and Tips for Creating a Welcome Email Series

Crafting a successful welcome email series is all about finding the right balance between engagement and promotion. Here are some best practices for creating a welcome email series that will help you build a strong connection with your subscribers and drive revenue for your ecommerce brand:

πŸ•’ Timing and Frequency: Timing is critical when it comes to sending welcome emails. You want to strike a balance between sending your emails early enough that your brand is still fresh in subscribers’ minds, but not so early that they forget about you.

We recommend sending your first welcome email immediately after a customer subscribes, followed by a series of 2-3 additional emails over a week. Be sure to segment your audience based on their behavior, such as whether they have made a purchase or not.

πŸ” Personalization: Personalization is key to creating a memorable welcome email series. Use your subscribers’ names and personalize your content based on their interests and preferences. For example, if they subscribed to your newsletter, send them content related to your brand and industry.

πŸ”₯ Call-to-Action: Every welcome email in your series should include a clear call-to-action (CTA) that prompts subscribers to take action.

Whether it’s to make a purchase, visit your website, or follow you on social media, your CTA should be easy to find and understand.

πŸ“ˆ Testing and Optimization: As with any marketing campaign, testing and optimization are critical to the success of your welcome email series.

Use A/B testing to experiment with different subject lines, content, and CTAs, and analyze your results to see what resonates best with your audience.

With these best practices in mind, you can create a welcome email series that will help you build relationships with your subscribers and drive sales for your ecommerce brand.

Welcome Email Series Examples for Inspiration

If you’re looking for inspiration to create your welcome email series, here are

Welcome Email Series Example: Focus on the brand story

Source: screenshot, Cotopaxi

Welcome Email Example: Offer a discount

Source: screenshot,Β Puma

Welcome Email Example: Introduce yourself

Source: screenshot,Β Fly by Jing

Welcome Series Example: Tell a story about your product

Source: screenshot,Β Brightland

Showcase Bestsellers and Give a Deal Code: CozyEarth Welcome Email Example

Big brand example: Build loyalty


In conclusion, the welcome email series is a crucial aspect of any ecommerce marketing strategy. They allow brands to make a great first impression, foster a sense of connection with their customers, and drive sales and loyalty.

By following the best practices outlined in this blog, as well as drawing inspiration from successful examples, ecommerce brands can create highly effective welcome email series that engage and convert customers.

At Mapplinks, we specialize in helping ecommerce brands optimize their email marketing strategies, including welcome email series.

Mapplinks Client Welcome Email Series Showcase

At Mapplinks, we work with various ecommerce brands to create and manage effective welcome email series that engage their new customers and drive conversions. One of our success stories is America & Beyond, a women’s fashion brand that specializes in bohemian-inspired apparel and accessories.

We developed a tailored welcome email series for America & Beyond, which included a series of personalized messages designed to make new subscribers feel welcome and introduce them to the brand’s unique style and product offerings.

Welcome emails for America & Beyond showcase
Welcome Series Designed by Mapplinks
welcome series ecommerce
Welcome series designs for e-commerce

By following best practices, including personalization, compelling subject lines, clear CTAs, and effective timing and frequency, ecommerce brands can use welcome emails to drive engagement, conversions, and loyalty.

Looking at examples from successful brands like America & Beyond can also inspire insights for creating your own effective welcome email series.

At Mapplinks, we have helped numerous ecommerce brands optimize their welcome email series and recover millions of dollars in revenue.

Working with an ecommerce marketing agency like ours can provide invaluable expertise and support to help your brand succeed in the highly competitive world of ecommerce.

Contact us to learn more about how we can help take your email marketing to the next level. We manage email marketing for many Shopify e-commerce brands including design and execution.