Minimum Viable SEO for Entrepreneurs & Marketers


Time to go LEAN!

In this post, we will learn ‘Minimum Viable SEO’ and how you can optimize your website and content without a dedicated SEO team.

There are a lot of things we can learn from entrepreneurs but the most important of them all is learning how to go lean. Lean methodologies allow entrepreneurs to execute fast (and fail fast!).

If you’re an SEO expert handling multiple clients with different budgets, or if you’re a marketer or entrepreneur who wants to maintain and grow your search rankings without a dedicated SEO team, this method is essential for your SEO success.

The entrepreneur’s MINIMUM VIABLE SEO method is inspired by the concept of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

Minimum Viable SEO has 5 major components:


As part of the Lean SEO Audit, make a list of the 5 most important on-site SEO factors and audit them at the start of each month.

These could be the title and description tags, image ALT tags, and so on. Make sure you pick only the 5 highest impact ones.


Develop a lean strategy that allows you to perform SEO by dedication only a few hours each month.

This must include a lean audit at the start of the month (2 hours), a Lean Keyword Research at the start of each week (1 hour), a Lean SEO checklist whenever you publish content (30 minutes), and a Lean SEO Report at the end of the month (2 hours).

You should be all set for your essential SEO goals by just investing less than 8 hours a month on SEO.

P.S. Professional SEO teams would spend much more than this and work on various factors and optimizations however, as entrepreneurs and small teams, I want you to focus only on the top 20% factors. (And you know why!)


Use Google suggestions and tools like Uber Suggest and you can come up with a list of 50 keywords in less than 30 minutes.

Don’t believe me? Try it out now!


Each time you’re going to publish new content, just check for the top 5 factors in your content and make sure they’re optimized.

You can pick these factors from this checklist.


Make a list of the top 5 factors which can best measure the results of your SEO activities.

Hint: Traffic source, Time on-page, and Bounce Rate are crucial.