What is Average Order Value and Why It Matters in Ecommerce?


As an e-commerce business owner, you’re always looking for ways to boost your sales and revenue. One metric that can have a significant impact on your bottom line is Average Order Value (AOV). 

Average Order Value (AOV) is the average amount spent per order in your e-commerce store, and it’s a crucial metric to understand and optimize.

average order value

 In this article, we’ll explain what AOV is, why it’s important for businesses to understand and optimize it, and the specific importance of AOV in e-commerce. By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of how AOV can help you grow your e-commerce business and strategies to increase it.

How to Calculate Average Order Value

To calculate Average Order Value, you need to divide the total revenue generated by the number of orders. Here are the steps to calculate AOV:

  • Determine your total revenue: This includes all sales made in your e-commerce store over a specified time period, such as a month or a quarter.
  • Count the number of orders: This includes all orders placed by customers in the same time period.
  • Divide total revenue by the number of orders: Divide the total revenue by the number of orders to get the AOV.

Here’s an example calculation to help illustrate the concept:

Let’s say your e-commerce store generated $50,000 in revenue from 2,500 orders in a month. To calculate your AOV, divide $50,000 by 2,500, which gives you an AOV of $20.

Calculating your AOV on a regular basis can help you track your performance over time and identify trends. By analyzing your AOV, you can determine if your e-commerce business is growing or if there are areas where you can improve.

average order value

Why is Average Order Value Important?

Optimizing your Average Order Value is critical to the success of your e-commerce business. Here’s why:

  1. Increased revenue: AOV directly impacts your revenue. By increasing AOV, you can generate more revenue per customer.
  2. Improved profitability: AOV helps you to improve your profitability. When you increase AOV, you’re increasing the revenue generated from each sale, without incurring any additional costs.
  3. Competitive advantage: When you optimize your AOV, you can offer more competitive pricing and deals while still maintaining healthy profit margins.
  4. Better customer experience: By optimizing your AOV, you can offer more value to your customers. Customers appreciate good deals and will be more likely to return to your store.
  5. More effective marketing: When you optimize your AOV, you’re able to spend more money on marketing to acquire new customers, knowing that you’ll be generating more revenue from each sale.

Increasing AOV is one of the most effective ways to boost your e-commerce revenue and profitability.

Strategies for Increasing Average Order Value

Now that you understand the importance of Average Order Value, let’s take a look at some strategies you can use to increase your AOV:

  1. Cross-selling and upselling techniques: One of the easiest ways to increase AOV is by cross-selling or upselling complementary products or services. For example, if a customer is buying a laptop, you can offer them a mouse, keyboard, or laptop bag.
  2. Offering incentives or discounts for larger orders: Another effective strategy is to offer incentives or discounts for customers who purchase more items. For example, you can offer free shipping for orders over a certain dollar amount or a discount on the entire order when the customer reaches a certain spending threshold.
  3. Bundling products or services: Bundle products or services together to create a package deal at a discounted price. This can encourage customers to purchase more items than they originally intended.
  4. Personalizing the customer experience: Personalizing the customer experience can help you to build stronger relationships with your customers. By understanding their preferences and needs, you can offer more relevant product recommendations and increase the chances of them making a larger purchase.
  5. Providing exceptional customer service: Providing exceptional customer service can help you to build trust and loyalty with your customers. This can lead to repeat purchases and larger order values.

By implementing these strategies, you can increase your Average Order Value and generate more revenue for your e-commerce business.

Optimizing your Average Order Value

This is critical to the success of your e-commerce business. 

By increasing AOV, you can generate more revenue, improve profitability, and offer a better customer experience.

To optimize your AOV, you can use strategies such as cross-selling and upselling techniques, offering incentives or discounts for larger orders, bundling products or services, personalizing the customer experience, and providing exceptional customer service.

As an e-commerce business owner, focusing on increasing your Average Order Value should be a priority. 

By doing so, you can increase revenue, profitability, and customer satisfaction, ultimately driving the growth of your business.

ALSO SEE: All About Ecommerce Conversion Rate

Maximizing Your E-commerce Performance with AOV Analysis in Google Analytics

Tracking and analyzing Average Order Value (AOV) in Google Analytics is important for several reasons:

  1. Identifying Trends and Patterns: By tracking your AOV over time, you can identify trends and patterns in your customers’ purchasing behavior. This can help you to identify which products are selling well and which ones may need to be promoted or optimized. You can also use AOV data to identify which customer segments are spending more, which can help you to develop targeted marketing campaigns.
  2. Identifying Areas for Improvement: Analyzing AOV data can also help you to identify areas where you may be losing potential sales. For example, if you notice that customers are abandoning their carts at a certain point in the checkout process, you can investigate the issue and make improvements to your website or checkout process. Similarly, if you notice that customers are not purchasing additional items when they could be, you can develop strategies for cross-selling or upselling.
  3. Developing Strategies for Increasing AOV: Finally, analyzing AOV data can help you to develop effective strategies for increasing your AOV and driving revenue for your business. For example, you may choose to offer incentives or discounts for larger orders, bundle products or services together, or personalize the customer experience to encourage customers to spend more.

Overall, tracking and analyzing AOV in Google Analytics can help you to gain valuable insights into your e-commerce performance and identify opportunities for improvement. By optimizing your AOV, you can increase profitability and customer satisfaction for your business.

Boosting Sales on Shopify: Tips for Increasing Average Order Value

As an e-commerce platform, Shopify offers several tools and features that can help you to increase your Average Order Value (AOV) and drive revenue for your business. Here are some strategies for increasing AOV on Shopify:

  1. Offer Bundles or Kits: By bundling complementary products together, you can encourage customers to spend more and increase your AOV. Shopify’s product bundling feature allows you to easily create and promote bundles or kits on your website.
  2. Provide Upsell Opportunities: Use Shopify’s upsell feature to suggest additional products or upgrades to customers as they add items to their cart. By offering relevant upsell opportunities, you can encourage customers to spend more and increase your AOV.
  3. Create a Loyalty Program: By offering rewards or discounts for larger purchases, you can incentivize customers to spend more and increase your AOV over time. Shopify’s built-in loyalty program feature makes it easy to set up and manage a loyalty program on your website.
  4. Personalize the Shopping Experience: Use Shopify’s customer segmentation tools to personalize the shopping experience for your customers. By tailoring product recommendations or promotions to specific customer segments, you can encourage customers to spend more and increase your AOV.
  5. Monitor Your AOV Metrics: Finally, use Shopify’s built-in analytics tools to monitor your AOV metrics over time. By tracking your AOV and identifying areas for improvement, you can develop effective strategies for increasing your AOV and driving revenue for your business.

By implementing these strategies and leveraging Shopify’s tools and features, you can increase your AOV and drive revenue for your e-commerce business.

Interested in optimizing your e-commerce business and taking your digital marketing to the next level? At Mapplinks, we offer a range of expert services to help you drive sales and achieve your goals.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business grow!