10 Questions to Answer while Creating Your Influencer Marketing Strategy


A great influencer marketing campaign comes with detailed planning and strategy. Starting off with the right questions ensures you will have smooth campaign execution.

Here are 10 questions you need to answer in order to create a perfect influencer marketing campaign strategy:

Q1. What is the campaign objective?
Q2. What’s the best size of influencer for your campaign?
Q3. What are the key campaign success metrics?
Q4. Who is the target audience for this campaign?
Q5. What channels is your audience on?
Q6. What content type would work the best for your audience?
Q7. What is your budget?
Q8. What is your engagement model with influencers?
Q9. What are your timelines?
Q10. What is the best influencer collaboration approach for your campaign objectives?

Answering these questions will ensure you get a right start to your campaign and that you, your team, and the influencers are aligned on the campaign specifics.

In the video below, I will deep dive into each of the questions in detail:

Influencer Marketing Strategy Walkthrough

Influencer marketing strategy

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If you’d like to learn influencer marketing in depth, get the complete course on influencer marketing here.