20 Zero-Budget Lead Generation Hacks for Growth Marketers


Growth Marketers operate differently when compared to regular lead generation executives or digital marketers. In growth marketing, we approach the same goal of generating leads with lower investments and higher returns by using creative methods and unconventional channels.

I’ve executed multiple lead generation hacks for my own business as well as for clients (both B2B and B2C) and in this article, I will share the lead generation hacks I’ve used for my own business.

None of these strategies need ad campaigns or ad budgets so get ready to use these actionable strategies in your growth marketing campaigns to fill your marketing funnels without burning cash on ad spent.

1. Add a CTA in your email signature

Add a call-to-action and link to just one product or service or offer you have based on your growth marketing metrics and experiments

generate leads with emails

2. Use a Hello Bar on your website

Another way to fuel your growth marketing experiments and generate leads is to use The Hello Bar. It’s a great lead generation method to turn your site’s traffic and activating it.

hello bar to increase leads

3. Host Webinars on OPNs

Hosting webinars is good but hosting webinars on OPNs (other people’s networks) is great! This lead generation hack gets you to access their network and fills your top-of-funnel.

use webinars for lead generation

4. Add a sign up form above the fold

You can increase your landing page lead conversion rate by using a form above the fold. Also, make sure you test your mobile forms first! Make sure the user doesn’t have to scroll a lot to find your offer.

lead generation form above the fold

5. Put your thank you page to use

Thank you pages, just like landing pages, are to be used for lead generation. You can get social shares, cross-sell and upsell as well as add additional offers or upgrades to your thank you pages.

social sharing on thank you page

6. Offer free online courses

Free online courses are perfect for top-of-the-funnel (TOFU) lead generation. Even if you’re not in the education space, create courses related to your product or service using your expertise to add value to others in exchange for their lead info.

free course lead generation
offer a free course to generate leads

7. Online courses as email drips

You can also set up a complete online course as an email drip. This is often a low resistance lead generation hack and an opportunity for you to add a lot of value!

online course drip for lead generation and activation

8. Lead Activation Using Newsletters

Send out a monthly newsletter with your best content and tips and use a P.S. CTA for lead activation

email newsletter leads
Activation through newsletters

9. Generate leads with Side-projects

Create side-projects that are mini-value bombs of what your target audience needs. You can also offer free versions of your premium products with limited featured as a side-project (or side-product) to generate leads.

side-project marketing for lead generation

10. Leverage public slack channels

One of my favorite OPN lean generation hacks is Slack communities.

Step into slack communities that are public, add value and generate highly engaged and genuine leads.

generate leads from Slack communities

11. Quora Q&As

An authoritative presence on Quora attracts the right kind of audience and leads. I’ve been ranked as a top writer on Quora and my lead generation case study from Quora has been featured on Entrepreneur.com.

quora lead generation

12. Reddit threads

On Reddit, start by adding value, earn karma, understand the subreddits you’re part of and then play your game. My Reddit lead generation method has also been featured by Entrepreneur.

13. LinkedIn conversations

Turn messages and new connections on LinkedIn into conversations and turn conversations into leads.

LinkedIn conversations with new connections for lead generation

14. Use AngelList to Generate Leads

I turn all my job matches on AngelList to leads. Well, I’m not even looking for a job anyway and I’m just matching with companies to generate leads!

Use AngelList job postings to generate leads

15. Run re-launch polls for lead generation

Run polls in your community or other people’s communities to convert poll voters to leads and engage with your potential customers. Their vote acts as the first YES in their user journey through your marketing funnel.

polls groups leads

16. Run Facebook Messenger Automation for Lead Generation

Facebook Messenger is a great way to deliver your marketing messages with extremely high open rates (80%+) and you can widen your top-of-funnel using these engaged users and turn them into engaged leads.

open rates of Facebook messenger drips

17. Offer special community-based Discount coupons

Create special discounts for each community you’re an active contributor to turn the group members into leads.

community offers to generate leads

18. Add lead generation forms inside chatbots

Adding a simple chatbot on your website can increase your lead generation from the site by 40%. You can also use it to provide support.

generate leads with chatbots

19. Pay with a tweet

Drive social shares, get visibility in OPNs, and generate leads from shares! Pay with a tweet is a simple way to exchange value for a social share.

pay with a tweet to get leads from social shares

20. Speaking at free events

Even without getting paid speaking gigs, you can leverage the network of another event by speaking there for free to just host your own free event and most coworking spaces will offer you to rent the space for free as a part of their co-promotion strategy.

Of course, I’m assuming you’re really good at whatever you do for you to speak at an event.

lead generation events
lead generation through events

21. Bonus Lead Generation hack

Lead Generation Hack: Extract Email IDs from LinkedIn and Facebook

Liked the hacks?

You can 80 more lead generation hacks in my book ‘101 Ways to Generate Leads’ here.

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