Scaling Up App Remarketing With Dynamic Product Ads


Have you ever visited a website only to find an advertisement on Google or Facebook for the very same website on your search page or social feed? Or have you come across a sponsored banner ad on another mobile app featuring the products you left in your cart at an eCommerce store you visited previously? If the answer is “yes,” congratulations, you are being “retargeted!” In this post, we will explore remarketing with dynamic product ads.

What is retargeting?

Retargeting (or remarketing) is a hyper-focused marketing strategy, tracking all potential customer activities online – for instance, which products or web pages browsed through, how long they stayed on the website, and whether they revisited the site, and so on.

retargeting with dynamic product ads

The data gathered helps you stay visible to your customers with timely, relevant ads on the desktop (Google search) or mobile app until they convert. Similarly, mobile retargeting refers to the act of marketing to people who have visited or interacted with your website or app before.

Basically, it means serving mobile ads to people that have interacted with your site in some form or another. The strategy works across all domains and must be a critical part of any mobile marketing campaign.

Retargeting utilizes a cookie and pixel-based technology to track website visitors and subsequently retarget them with ads after moving to other sites.

For example, if user X spends some browsing through ModCloth but does not purchase anything and leaves, the eCommerce lifestyle ship can use the cookies for retargeting the same products X checked out on the desktop or mobile app.

As per ReadyCloud, website traffic increases by a whopping 700% with retargeting. And site visitors retargeted with display advertising methods are 70% more likely to convert to an eCommerce website. Regardless of the sector, retargeting works.

Think of it as another chance to engage, convert, upsell or cross-sell, and retain customers with online ads on multiple platforms.

What are dynamic product ads, and why are they important?

Dynamic retargeting takes the original concept up a notch and lets you show previous site or app visitors personalized ads featuring the offerings they specifically viewed on your platform.

For instance, if a user browses through running shoes on your retail mobile app, a dynamic product ad will feature your running shoes, encouraging them to continue where they left off.

Dynamic ads are customized ad templates per the individual customer’s data, making them more useful and more effective.

Dynamic retargeting helps you generate leads (and sales) by bringing previous visitors back – via a custom approach – to you to complete what they started. Here are the reasons why dynamic product advertisements are essential:

  • App marketers can avoid investing time in doing A/B testing or creating individual ad copy, design, and format. Instead, you can use a single template that automatically displays tailored recommendations for every unique visitor.
  • Create a fundamental .xls, .tsv, .csv, or .xlsx file featuring your product or service catalog for remarketing Google Ads or Facebook Ads campaigns to determine the best mix of offerings for every advertisement based on popularity and what the visitor viewed on the website or mobile app. The campaign will continue working for you for as long as you want.
  • Enhanced CPC and conversion optimizer for dynamic remarketing campaigns calculate the optimal bid for every impression.

So, why should you wait when you can start now?

Getting started with dynamic product remarketing on mobile

Whether you choose to remarket your target audience on Google Ads or Facebook Ads, the process of getting started is more or less the same on the desktop. However, if you are looking at only mobile, that leaves you with only Google Ads. Here is how to get started:

1. Create a product or service feed

List your entire catalog in a .xls, .tsv, .csv or .xlsx file format. Include details such as unique ID/SKU, price, photo, and so on. These details will be pulled from your file and integrated into your dynamic advertisements. Upload the file to the Business data section of your shared library. If you are a retailer, you need to upload it to the Google Merchant Center.

2. Tag with custom parameters

Select the parameters or attributes you want to track for personalizing ads based on user activity. If you select “Collect standard data available from the data source,” continue. Next, deploy the global site tag and the event snippet – optionally – using the generated code.

The tag will add your visitors to remarketing lists and associate them with unique IDs of the previously viewed feed items. If you are not familiar with your mobile app’s codebase, working with an app development company might be worth it.

Dynamic product ads for eCommerce mobile app marketing

Whenever you have come across a retargeted ad, has it not majorly been of a product you could buy off an online store? Remarketing is a popular tactic in eCommerce marketing. Research shows that 47% of customers are happy to receive a great deal through retargeted ads.

Research Dynamic retargeting is beneficial for eCommerce shop owners because of the following reasons:

  • It helps fill in the gaps in your keyword-based remarketing campaigns. Rather than manually guessing and entering keywords, Google will do it for you.
  • You do not have to worry about matching the ad copy with keywords to improve the quality score. Google handles it for you.
  • Headlines and landing pages get generated using site content, keeping the ads relevant while saving time. You can stand out with a unique description and site link extensions in your ads.

Conversion tracking in dynamics in remarketing ads

Dynamic remarketing can become a complex task if you do not know much about how Google Ads work on mobile, which is why the tech giant has given a rundown of all the steps you must take to start a mobile campaign:

  • First things first – sign in to your Google Ads account.
  • Click “All” campaigns visible on the upper left corner of the screen for a drop-down menu to appear.
  • From the menu, click “Placements.” Click the pencil icon and edit placements.
  • Click on the “Select” option and pick an ad group.
  • Select the campaign and then the ad group to be modified.
  • If you have multiple apps, you can choose the apps on which you want to run your retargeting campaign. Click “Save.”
  • Choose your campaign name and a bidding strategy. Set an amount for your budget.
  • Click on “Remarketing” in the Audience tab and choose the optimized Google Ads list.
  • Click “Done” and click on the “Use a data feed for personalized ads” option.
  • Choose the “Business” type best representing your offerings. Then, click the “Create a campaign” button to set up your new ad.

How dynamic product ads work in your favor for remarketing

dynamic product ads for remarketing

Dynamic retargeting allows you to automatically tailor your advertisements based on your offerings internet users have interacted with during previous visits to your site or mobile app. Here is how setting up dynamic ads can help your business:

1. Recapture website or app abandoners

Retargeting is effective if you want to re-engage users who previously visited your site but went without making a purchase or subscribing to your blogs. This primarily works in eCommerce, where selling products is paramount. Through retargeted ads, you could promote the products put into the shopping cart but never bought.

2. Utilize Google Display Network

Think “search,” and it is not hard to think about Google first. You never say you want to drive traffic to your website through Yahoo! or Bing. It is always Google. So why not make full use of the Google Display Network, including Google search, Gmail, and YouTube?

The network reaches 90% of internet users. Imagine if your retargeted ads were flashed across the web, how much footfall would you attract?

Thankfully, the Google Display Network allows you to benefit from advanced strategies such as geo-targeting and dayparting. You can choose the sites where you want your remarketing ads to appear on Google.

3. Bid competitively with the Google Conversion Optimizer

The tool uses conversion tracking on the Google Display Network for identifying purchase behavior, so you can optimize your ad spending on remarketing.

The Google Conversion Optimizer fetches information such as who bought and where to develop optimal bids for ad placements. Google’s Conversion Optimizer focuses on maximizing conversions rather than focusing on Cost Per Click (CPC) or Cost Per Impression (CPM).

You could opt for metrics such as Maximum Cost Per Acquisition (Max CPA) or Target Cost Per Acquisition (Target CPA) instead.

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Increase revenue and conversion optimization with dynamic product ads

There is nothing better than dynamic product ads to automatically show the right products or services to people who have expressed interest on your site, in your mobile app, or anywhere else on the internet.

Dynamic retargeting predicts which ad is likely to perform best for the person, platform, or placement where the ad will be shown. Even if you have never done retargeting before, you must know that customer re-engagement is effective for influencing business success.