Before You Close This Tab, Watch The Message Below To Prepare For the 30-Day Course👇

(One Growth Hack to manage emails is already revealed here…)

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Hey Folks!

Rish here, thanks for signing up for the 30 Days Growth Marketing Course!

In the next 30 days, I will share everything I know about Growth Marketing and help you stand out from the growing crowd of digital marketers.

Just one note before you leave.

This course will be delivered via email.

So make sure to check the update/promotion as well as the spam tab for the first email.

Then drag that email into your primary tab.

Now here is one growth hack to manage your emails better.

Create a Lable and Name it 30D Growth Marketing Course

(record the step to make a label on Gmail)

There you go, use this method to not miss a single lesson.

Also, use this hack to manage your emails better!

Cheers 🍻